;=============================================================================================================================== ; DCC Clones Detector version 1.0 by BiskutMeri ; Discription ; Avoid 2 or more clone (nickname from same IP) from taken all your available DCC slot. This script will check every that ; you set and locate active dcc which have same IP address and Dissmiss all the session. The notice will be send to the clones. ; so they need to request again the files. and the cycle begin if they still used clone for your dcc. ; ; WARNING : By using this script, Im not taking any responsible for anything happen to your PC/Machine. Using this script ; is under your own responsiblity. ; ; System REquirement: mirc version 6.03++ (Tested on Mirc v6.16, P4 1.8Mhz , 512Mb, Windows XP) ; ; ==================================( Created For Jiwang Fserv Team by BiskutMeri )============================================== menu * { - DCC CLONE DETECTOR .$iif(!$dialog(dccclone),Configuration):dialog -m dccclone dccclone .- .Documentation:.run notepad readme.txt - } on *:load:{ echo -s $timestamp Loaded Mascovy Fserv Detector version 2.0 echo -s $timestamp Design by BiskutMeri/Mascovy © 2006 set %ann FServ Online: &Fservnick writeini fservdetect.ini Malaynet #jiwang 300 } on *:unload:{ if ($timer(dccip)) .timerdccip off unset %dccclone* echo *** Successful unloaded $script } dialog dccclone { title "DCC Clones Detector. [ Abort Send Files For Clones ]" size -1 -1 156 61 option dbu box "Setting && Configuration", 1, 1 3 154 57 check "Enable Checker every", 2, 8 11 65 10 button "+", 3, 73 12 11 10 button "-", 4, 106 12 11 10 edit "", 5, 85 12 20 10, read center text "Termination Message", 6, 7 24 53 8 edit "Hey Dude!!! Please dont used clones For my DCC server", 7, 7 33 143 10, autohs text "second", 8, 120 14 25 8 button "&Dismiss", 9, 111 46 37 10, ok link "About", 11, 6 48 22 8 } dialog myself { title "About Mascovy DCC Clone detector" size -1 -1 114 49 option dbu box "", 1, 1 1 112 47 text "Mascovy DCC CLONE Detector v1.0 Copyright © 2006", 2, 31 9 75 15 link "Design By Mascovy", 3, 32 26 71 8 link "https://mascovy.tripod.com/", 4, 32 35 70 8 icon 5, 7 17 20 18, $mircexe , 18 } alias -l my.info if (!$dialog(aboutme)) dialog -ma myself myself on 1:dialog:myself:sclick:*:if ($did == 3) .run mailto:mindforce83@yahoo.com | if ($did == 4) .run https://mascovy.tripod.com/ on 1:dialog:dccclone:*:*:{ if ($devent == init) { if (%dccclone.set) did -c $dname 2 did -ra $dname 5 $dccclone(delay) did -ra $dname 7 $dccclone(msg) } if ($devent == sclick) { if (($did == 4) && ($did(5) > 0)) { did -ra $dname 5 $calc($did(5) - 1) } if (($did == 3) && ($did(5) < 1500)) { did -ra $dname 5 $calc($did(5) + 1) } if ($did == 9) { if ($did(2).state == 1) set %dccclone.set on if ($did(2).state == 0) unset %dccclone.set if ($did(7).text != $null) set %dccclone.msg $did(7).text if ($did(5).text != $null) set %dccclone.timer $did(5).text if (%dccclone.set) .timerdccip 0 $dccclone(delay) /dccip if ((!%dccclone.set) && ($timer(dccip))) .timerdccip off } if ($did == 11) my.info } } alias dccclone { if ($1 == delay) return $iif(%dccclone.timer isnum,%dccclone.timer,5) if ($1 == msg) { var %v = I found you just using clone with my dcc server (IP: &ip ). Sorry Im not tolerate with this. All progress DCC terminated. Please only used single DCC from me. return $iif(%dccclone.msg,%dccclone.msg,%v) } } alias dccip { var %i = 0 if (!%dccclone.set) return if (!$timer(dccip)) .timerdccip 0 $dccclone(delay) /dccip unset %ipd.* while (%i < $send(0)) { inc %i var %id = $send(%i).ip , %in = $send(%i) , %ip = $send(%i).sent , %lip = $longip(%id) if (%lip isnum) %ipd. [ $+ [ %lip ] ] = $addtok(%ipd. [ $+ [ %lip ] ] ,%in,44) if (%lip isnum) start.chk %id } var %t = 0 ;echo -s IM reading this lines alias while ($var(%ipd.*,0) > %t) { inc %t var %g = $var(%ipd.*,%t).value , %ep = $gettok($var(%ipd.*,%t),2,46) if ($numtok(%g,44) >= 2) banned-dcc %ep %g } } alias banned-dcc { var %h = 0 , %ip = $longip($1) , %k = $2- tokenize 44 $2- close -s $1- echo -s DCC clone Detected on %ip Nick: $1- if (%k) .notice %k $replace($dccclone(msg),&ip,%ip,&nick,%k) }